prompt verified

PROMPT Verified

Easily check whether a professional pest controller is suitably qualified and trained to carry out your pest control requirements in a safe, efficient and sustainable way.

All PROMPT Register members which appear on the PROMPT Verified search tool will have successfully achieved a professional qualification in integrated pest management. In addition to this to maintain their status on the PROMPT register, the largest independent professional register in the pest control industry, they will have completed a significant amount of Continuing Professional Development each year. This means that not only will the pest controller you employ be legally qualified, but they will also be keeping up to date with the latest developments in health and safety, legislation, environmental awareness and integrated pest control strategies.

Simply search for a pest controllers name, company or PROMPT account number in the search tool below and check that your pest controller is PROMPT Verified.


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Please note that members who haven’t agreed to share their data with BASIS PROMPT will not appear on this search tool. More information about why you should employ a PROMPT registered pest controller can be found on the BASIS PROMPT website. If you have any further queries regarding PROMPT Verified or BASIS PROMPT please contact

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